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Fight to the Finish

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Don't give up, have faith, you're becoming a warrior!

Anyone who's been through anything hard knows it always takes longer than we think to get through it and get to the other side. Especially when we've been broken physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Sometimes the wait is excruciating, and sometimes it seems as though things will never get better. However, once we get through it, we soon realize what we've gained is strength, courage, confidence, and wisdom, among other things. And this is among one of life's greatest surprises.

Martha Beck talks about the song Come Healing by Leonard Cohen and describes it as this, "He's writing through a transformation of consciousness from anguish and sorrow to a redemptive wholeness where we heal strongest at the broken places. Nature wants us to heal... the healing is coming and you don't have to do anything about it. When you heal from something that bad, you heal into something that good."

I have found this to be true. Each time I've made it through a storm, I've found that I'm more confident, resilient, and better able to weather the next one that comes along. I'm also more empathetic and understanding to those who are going through a storm of their own. We all have different challenges and hardships, however, what we find in the end is that pain and suffering are universal, and something that connects us as human beings, if we will let it.

So whatever it is you are going through, you are indeed, becoming a warrior. It may feel as though the universe hates you at the time, but don't give up! Your being transformed into something better. Martha also talks about how she compares these times to a Samurai sword and how it gets flattened and pounded thousands of times before it comes out like the finest piece of machinery. She goes on to say, "So if God wants to create a Samurai sword, He takes the best materials on earth and beats the crap out of them for years and years."

Think of yourself as a Samurai sword in the making... strong, powerful, resilient, and brave... waiting to fight the next battle with honor and courage.

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