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Embrace The Unexpected

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

"You must give up the life you had planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you"

- Joseph Campbell

I know all too well the heartbreak and disappointment that usually accompanies us when life doesn't go as planned. I also know the growth, wisdom, and refinement that develops along the way, which inevitably leads us to the life we were meant to have, if we will let it. Although it's hard to let go of what we thought our life would look like at times, if we take each bump in the road as a wake up call that gently pushes us in a new direction, we will begin to see these obstacles as more of a gift than a curse, and intended to bring us closer to who we are meant to become.

This is easier said than done. Sometimes these obstacles in the road are small, such as, a change in careers, a sudden move, or a unwanted breakup. However, sometimes these unexpected curves are much bigger, such as, a divorce, a job loss, a severe health condition, or loss of a loved one. It's times such as these when we begin to question the meaning of life, why this is happening to us, and if there's life beyond what's happening in the moment. As hopeless and dark as things might seem during these times, once we grieve the loss and are ready to move on we can begin to see a new beginning and a new perspective comes into view. Along with a new perspective, we will find that we have grown more self-aware and our strengths, weaknesses, and purpose are more evident. With this new knowledge we are able to align ourselves more easily with who we are, what we want, and what we need to do to get there. The universe is always trying to persuade us to use our values, talents, abilities, personality, knowledge, and experience for a greater purpose. A purpose only our unique selves can fulfill. And we will only be able to recognize these qualities in ourselves when we are taken out of our comfort zones and pushed into thinking outside the box.

So, the next time life throws a curve in the road, instead of thinking of it as the end of the road, think of it as a shift in the road... something turning you in the direction you need to go in order to find the life that's waiting for you and the greater purpose that lies ahead.

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