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Claim Your Life

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

"... As for me, I've been focusing less on doing whatever they say I can't do, and more on doing whatever the hell I want"

~Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift made this statement in regards to the scrutiny she feels she's been under since her career began as a teenager. As she became more famous, she quickly realized she would be met often by haters, fakers, and naysayers. However to this she responds, "Whatever they decided I could't do is exactly what I did. "

As we begin claiming our own life, we're also undoubtedly going to run into haters, fakers, and naysayers and will soon need to "Shake It Off " as well. This isn't easy. It takes courage, becoming self aware, taking a stand, and perhaps letting go of some things that are keeping us from living our best life. Some people are not going to be pleased when we put our foot down and stand up for the life we want to have, and you may be "On Your Own Kid ", but that's okay...

The people we want in our lives are the ones that want us to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled, just as we want them to be. We may need to be determined, persistent, and "Fearless " as we take this journey, but we can offer them an invitation to join us as we all claim the life we were meant to have. However, if they resist, we may have to leave them behind and just"Run" to our final destination.

Along with severing some unhealthy connections, we may also have to start some new habits and get out of our comfort zones. As we know "All Too Well ", this can be "Treacherous", however, once we set our mind to it and begin the process, the transformation we see as we go along will not only be "Gorgeous" , but soon we'll notice that, "Everything Has Changed" for the better.

Are you "Ready For It? "...


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