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Change Your Life

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

"Ask yourself... What's the greater risk? Letting go of what people think or letting go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?"

~ Brene Brown

If there's one thing we know in life it's that change is inevitable. Whether it's change that happens because we make a decision to do something different, or a change that occurs and is completely out of our control, in one way or another it seems we are always in transition.

I often find myself wanting things to change, and wanting things to stay the same all at the same time. I'm sure it's the things that are not going well, not working, or that I am bored of that I want to change, and the things I love, that are working, and that make my life joyful, that I want to stay the same. Gratefully we do have some power over the things that change in our lives, and are able to keep some things that work for us consistant. We can choose who we have in our lives, how we see the world, how we react to circumstances, and where we're going to put our energy. We can also choose if we're going to worry about what others think of us, or if we're going to pave our own path. As Brene Brown says let's Dare Greatly and choose to change our lives so they follow the path we choose, and not what someone else says it should be.

This is empowering when we finally figure out that we can change our life so that it's in line with our own inner compass, however, what do we do when things are changing and we don't have any control over it? Sometimes these changes are sudden, like the loss of a job or loved one, and sometimes these changes are slower and more natural, like children growing up and leaving the nest, or aging parents. Either way, this type of change is especially hard because we have no control over it and we sometimes find ourselves in denial, depression, or hanging on to what we had for dear life! As hard as it is, letting go and letting it happen is the best way to an easy transition. Martha Beck suggests, "If we resist we still lose things but we don't let good things be born. When we stop resisting and allow the in and out of the tides of life, grief comes in and new birth happens, then we find an amazing world that we never new existed."

Taking a good look at our life and examining what needs to change in order to stay on course is the first step in embracing the life we want to live, and accepting natural change as it flows through our life is key to welcoming a new season. Whether the change comes from within or because of outside circumstances, seeing it as a gift and a way to learn, grow, and transform into the glorious life we are meant to have is the only way to our true North Star.

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